Lakeland Terrier Breed Information and Buying advice

Lakeland Terrier

Are You Looking to Buy or Adopt a Lakeland Terrier?

Quick Lakeland Terrier Facts

Average Size of Adult
Small (2/5)
Puppy Puppy Puppy Puppy Puppy
Grooming Requirement
Medium (2/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Medium (2/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Average Life Span
12-14 years (5/8)
Exercise Requirements
High (3/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
High (3/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Low (1/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Child friendly
Yes (1/2)
Medium (2/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Breed Group
Terrier (4/8)
Yes (1/2)

Why Lakeland Terrier Puppies are great

For any person or family who is active and energetic, the Lakeland Terrier is a fantastic fit. They make for great, bold, loyal and lively little dogs that are fantastic for families. They can also be referred to as “Lakelands” and “Lakies”. They love to play and love to be entertaining to people. They are not ideal for owners that are not active, but they can provide hours of fun and stimulation for any who are. Some highlights:

  1. Shedding: Their coats shed very little to not at all.

  2. Intellect: Lakeland Terrier puppies are very smart and can be trained easily under the right approach. First-time owners are discouraged from this breed though.

  3. Excitable: They have a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

  4. Adaptable: Provided that they are kept entertained, they can be highly adaptable. They will happily live anywhere but do love to let loose in a garden.

  5. Health: Lakeland Terrier puppies are both hardy and healthy, being prone to comparatively few conditions.


Things to consider when looking at Lakeland Terrier Puppies for Sale

The Lakeland Terrier puppy is recognised by the Kennel Club as being a breed that is vulnerable. In order to get one for yourself that is Kennel Club registered, you will likely have to wait, as there is not a limitless supply of them, and the litter size average for any who are breeding them is 3.5. It should be considered however that this is not an ideal breed for first-time owners. Some downsides to the Lakeland Terrier:

  1. Prey Drive: As with many hunting dogs, they have a high prey drive as a result.

  2. Aggression: With owners that they do not respect, or with other animals, they can be quite aggressive. This can be controlled though. Temperament can easily be gauged when the Lakeland Terrier is a puppy – see the puppy’s mother, see them with their littermates. Females tend to be less so.

  3. Digging: As particularly competent escape artists, it is extremely important that any boundaries are kept secure.

  4. Cheeky: Lakeland Terrier puppies are often called rascals. They are funny but mischievous.

  5. Barking: They can be rather vocal. This can rule out apartment living.


History of Lakeland Terrier Puppies

Lakeland Terrier puppies’ roots trace back to the Lake District in England. They were used to hunt, killing foxes and vermin primarily – with their compact frame and good athleticism. They came from Black and Tan Terriers, but there is some thought that other neighbouring terriers are in the mix as well. Those are the Welsh Terrier, the Border Terrier and the Fox Terrier. With their small frame, but fantastic agility and courage, they made for a great hunting dog at the time.  


How big is the Lakeland Terrier Puppy?

Male and Female Lakeland Terrier puppies are 37cm at the withers fully grown.  

How heavy is a Lakeland Terrier Puppy?

Male Lakeland Terrier puppies are 8kg fully grown. Females can be 7kg.  

What Colour is the Lakeland Terrier Puppy?

The following are accepted colours recognised by the Kennel Club for Lakeland Terrier puppies. Black, Black & Tan, Blue, Blue & Tan, Liver, Red, Red Grizzle and Wheaten.  


Do Lakeland Terrier Puppies make good guard dogs?

They are extremely good watchdogs and will let their owners know in a flash if there are strangers about. They seldom show any aggression to strangers, but they will certainly make enough noise.  

Do Lakeland Terrier Puppies bark a lot?

They are very vocal at times and can bark unnecessarily, especially if allowed to.  

Are Lakeland Terrier Puppies easy to train?

Although they are intelligent and can be easy to train, that is with people who are already familiar with the breed. Some puppy habits can prove quite difficult to train, crate training is advised for housetraining. Using proper techniques, they are a lot easier. Because of this, they are not the best dog for first time owners or people unfamiliar with the breed. The key for training this breed is consistency and patience, with that, results can be great.  

Are Lakeland Terrier Puppies playful?

They are extremely playful and a bit cheeky. Given that they have so much energy, physical and mental stimulation and enrichment are welcome. They will happily play for hours.  

Are Lakeland Terrier Puppies good with children?

The Lakeland Terrier puppy is fantastic with children. They can keep up with children’s energy levels. Always ensure that children know how to approach these and any dogs. Additionally, always be sure to supervise whenever they are together – to ensure the safety of both.  

Are Lakeland Terrier Puppies good with other pets?

Lakeland Terrier puppies can be rather good with other pets – especially if introduced to other pets early on. It is advised that they are not left alone with smaller pets though. Aggression and prey drive are both significant things that should be considered. However, early socialisation will help a lot.  

Can I leave a Lakeland Terrier Puppy Alone?

Lakeland Terrier puppies do not handle being left alone too well. They can take out frustration or boredom by being quite destructive. They are also prone to separation anxiety. As with other dogs like this, either day-care or dog walkers are advised.  

Do Lakeland Terrier Puppies like water?

Most Lakeland Terrier puppies enjoy water, especially on hot days. They can be a little excitable around water at times so ensure that the dog does not jump into any body of water that looks risky.  


How long do Lakeland Terrier Puppies live?

Lakeland Terrier puppies can live on average between 12 and 15 years.  

How much exercise does a Lakeland Terrier Puppy need?

The Lakeland Terrier puppy needs quite a lot of exercise. As with most working dogs, they have physical and mental requirements built into them. People who lead active lives will find the dog to be extremely energetic and active – making a good combination.  

What are Lakeland Terrier Puppies Common health issues?

Lakeland Terrier puppies are robust and healthy dogs, for the most part, however, there are a few conditions, listed as follows:

  • Cataracts

  • Legg-Calve-Perthes Syndrome

  • Microphthalmia

  • Persistent Pupillary Membranes

  • Primary Lens Luxation

  • Ventricular Septal Defect

Note as with any breed that you ought to familiarise yourself with any conditions that may be developed or displayed.  


How much space do I need for a Lakeland Terrier Puppy?

A small to medium garden is better than none. It is not vital, but it helps a lot to tackle some of the boundless energy levels.  

What should I feed my Lakeland Terrier Puppy?

One cup of high-quality dog food per day is advised. Split this into two meals. Active dogs obviously require more than lazy ones, so gauge needs based on exercise levels.

How much grooming do Lakeland Terrier Puppies need?

Lakeland Terrier puppies require quite a lot of grooming. Brushing your Lakeland Terrier puppy requires around 15-30 minutes per week. As well as this, stripping the coat is advised – this controls shedding even more.  

Do Lakeland Terrier Puppies shed?

The Lakeland Terrier puppy has a negligible amount of shed.  

Average costs

How much does it cost to keep a Lakeland Terrier Puppy?

As a rough guide in pricing: Cost to buy: £700 for a well-bred Lakeland Terrier puppy. Other costs (Vet, Food etc): Cost of care for a Lakeland Terrier puppy should be between £50-80 a month.  

Specific Buying Guide

You can read our general buying guide here (/advice-on-buying-a-puppy/), with the most important thing being going to view your Lakeland Terrier Puppy, seeing the puppy with its mother, and checking the quality of the breeder. More specifically, here is some Lakeland Terrier puppy buying advice:

  1. As a vulnerable breed that is rather popular, being placed on a waiting list can increase the appeal of scams and bad sellers. Resist the temptation to do this.

  2. Please remember that although the Lakeland Terrier puppy is intelligent, it is not ideal for first time owners or people unfamiliar with the breed.


Other reading, Adopting Lakeland Terrier Puppies and Rescue Organisations

A big thank you to the following sources who helped to shape this article: